
Face paint and Faygo ((GamzeeXReader))

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    "WhAt'S aLl Up AnD mOtHeRfUcKiN' hApPeNiN' ((y/n))? I wAs AlL uP aNd MoThErFuCkIn' WoNdErIn' If YoU aNd SeCtRa wErE pLaNiN' oN mAkIn' An ApPeRaNcE tOnIgHt." Gamzee asked you, standing in his hive's doorway.

    Sectra and yourself had just made it to the infamous Makara hivehold. You had been invited over by your older sister's boyfriend, Kurloz Makara. Sectra had to practically drag you along, seeings how you didn't know what would happen at the wild brothers' home.

    "Sup, Gam. You seen Kurrloz 'rround lately? I need to talk with the mute." Sectra asked, pushing past Gamzee into the shared house.

    "In HiS mOtHeRfUcKiN' rOoM. LiKe AlWaYs, MaMa."

    "Thanks Gam. Oh, and tell yourr frriend Karrkat, that he needs to calm his shit. He might just end up like Kankrri if his attitude continues on the way it is. He rranted on me about his stupid 'rrom-coms' and it gets to the point wherre I'm surrprrised I don't call 'Loz for back up." Sectra said, as she walked up to the second story to where you guessed Kurloz's room is.

    "CoMe On In MoThErFuCkEr. I dOn'T bItE." Gamzee opened the door wider and you walked in slowly.

    "Hey, Gamzee. Anything new going on?" you asked.

    "As A mAtTeR oF fUcKiN' fAcT, i Do. Go SiT oN tHe CoUcH aNd I'lL aLl Up AnD bE bAcK." Gamzee sauntered off into the depths of his hive, while you just idly stood in the threshold. After a moment of doing nothing besides staring, you decide to try to find the living area.

    The door slammed shut behind your person and you nearly jumped to the height of the vaulted ceiling.

    Well then. You thought, passing by multipul colorful rooms, a powerful feeling of unwelcomeness radiating from them.

    You finally found a room that wasn't completely splattered with colors that held a couch, flat screen and multipul lamps atop side tables. You thought that it was a wise idea to take a seat on the large black leather sofa situated in the midst of the lamps and tables. You found a remote and turned the television on. The channel that popped on first was one that hosted horror movie marathons. You hated horror movies and consistently pondered why it was that you older sister was so taken with them. You immediately changed the channel to that of relatively more calming things.

    After what you thought was an hour ((twenty minutes)) Gamzee showed his face in the room.

    "ThErE yOu ArE mOtHeRfUcKeR. I wAs LoOkInG aLl OvEr ThE fUcKiNg HiVe FoR yOu." Gamzee stated as he closed the distance between the two of you. He sat down next to you and became transfixed with the current broadcast. He subconsciously hung his arm around your shoulder and brought you closer to his body. He had done this many times with Sectra when she was waiting for Kurloz and so he thought nothing of it. You on the other hand, well, let's just say you were oddly alright with it while being shocked stiff.

    "Umm, Gamzee?"

    "YeAh LiTtLe MaMa?" He turned his head towards your person.

    "Your, um, your arm. It's, well, it's around my, ah, my shoulder." You were nervious as to what his reaction would be, so you could only stutter out the words.

    "LiTtLe MaMa, ArE yOu AfRaId Of Me? Is ThAt WhY YoU'rE aLl Up AnD mOtHeRfUcKiN' sTuTtErInG oN mE lIkE tAvBrO?" His indigo eyes looked slightly hurt, and you knew it was all your doing.

    "No, it's just that I'm not used to you doing, well, doing this." You said, motioning to his arm.

    "I'm SoRrY mAmA. I tHoUgHt ThAt YoU'd Be FiNe WiTh It. I'lL sToP iF yOu WaNt Me To."

    "It's fine Gams. Really it is." Your voice was becoming quieter as you turned your head down and away from his gaze.

    All of a sudden your chin was grabbed by callused fingers and your face was turned to meet his. Before you could even fathom how to react his chapped lips were against your own. For a moment your sat stock stiff, then you slowly melted into it. For what you thought would be a rough embrace, it was quite soft, almost as if he were trying not to bruise a delicate rose.

    After some time when you both needed air, you seperated. Only to realize that Kurloz and Sectra were both in said doorway to the said room for said makeout. Sectra had a smirk plastered across her face, while Kurloz just stood there behind her, his head resting atop her's, being careful to dodge the horns of course.

    Sectra broke the silence first with a, "Told you Kurrloz. I win the bet now." Kurloz had a blank face, and, if you could read his mind, was almost afraid of the bet now. For what she had choosen as reward was, well, let's not talk about it, shall we?

    "I guess this means you want to be matesprits now, right?" You asked, smile on your face.

    "YoU kNoW iT ((y/n))." And with that, they begun anew with their kissing before they had been "interupted".

Yup, that happened. I guess I'm back from the grave so to speak. Umm, if you want to be updated on what has been happening lately with me and not writing and stuff there should be a journal entry up somewhere once this is posted.


Homestuck, Kurloz Makara, Gamzee Makara (c) Hussie ((that bastard))

Sectra Sacale (c) Me

You (c) ((how should I know!?))

© 2014 - 2024 Demon--Heart
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